- English translation
- envy
- 1. A feeling of uneasiness, mortification, or discontent excited by the contemplation of another's superiority, prosperity, or success, accompanied with some degree of enmity or malignity, and often or usually with a desire or an effort to discomfit or mortify the person envied.
2. Hatred; ill will; malice.
Shona | English |
ruchiva urwu | this envy |
ruchiva urwo | that envy |
Shona | English |
ruchiva rwangu | my envy |
ruchiva rwako | your envy (singular) |
ruchiva rwenyu | your envy (plural) |
ruchiva rwake | his/her envy |
ruchiva rwedu | our envy |
ruchiva rwacho | its envy |
ruchiva rwavo | their envy |
last updated: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 4:51:59 PM Central European Summer Time
- adjective
- synonyms: ruziso
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
- English translation
- envious
- Malignant; mischievous; spiteful.
last updated: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 4:51:59 PM Central European Summer Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Chidokodoko chirere muviri chikuru chinozo uya wakora.