• English word envy in the Shona Dictionary


  • noun , class(7)
  • synonyms:
  • dialects/origins: Karanga, Korekore, Manyika, Zezuru
English translation
A nocturnal venomous African viper Bitis arietans.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
chiva ichi this puff adder
chiva icho that puff adder
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
chiva changu my puff adder
chiva chako your puff adder (singular)
chiva chenyu your puff adder (plural)
chiva chake his/her puff adder
chiva chedu our puff adder
chiva chacho its puff adder
chiva chavo their puff adder
last updated: Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 8:09:43 AM Central European Standard Time


  • verb
  • synonyms:
  • variant:
  • dialects/origins: Karanga, Manyika, Zezuru
English translation
To regard with envy; look upon as the possessor of what is wanting in or to one's self, with a longing for it, and either with or without a desire for the deprivation or discomfiture of him who has it: often with both the possessor and the tiling possessed as objects.
Imperative example
Shona English
chiva envy (singular)
chivai envy (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha chiva I will envy
ucha chiva you will envy (singular)
mucha chiva you will envy (plural)
acha chiva he/she will envy
ticha chiva we will envy
vacha chiva they will envy
chicha chiva it will envy
last updated: Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 8:09:43 AM Central European Standard Time


  • noun , class(11)
  • synonyms: ,
  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
1. A feeling of uneasiness, mortification, or discontent excited by the contemplation of another's superiority, prosperity, or success, accompanied with some degree of enmity or malignity, and often or usually with a desire or an effort to discomfit or mortify the person envied.

2. Hatred; ill will; malice.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
ruchiva urwu this envy
ruchiva urwo that envy
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
ruchiva rwangu my envy
ruchiva rwako your envy (singular)
ruchiva rwenyu your envy (plural)
ruchiva rwake his/her envy
ruchiva rwedu our envy
ruchiva rwacho its envy
ruchiva rwavo their envy
last updated: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 4:51:59 PM Central European Summer Time


  • adjective
  • synonyms:
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
English translation
Malignant; mischievous; spiteful.
last updated: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 4:51:59 PM Central European Summer Time

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