• Shona word nzwisisa in the Shona Dictionary


English translation
1. To receive from a word or collocation of words or from a sign the idea it is intended to convey: with the thing said, the person speaking, or the language as the direct object of the verb.

2. To interpret the signification of; seize the idea of; comprehend as resulting from a thought, principle, or ride; explain.

3. To receive information about; learn by paying heed to what is said and done; consider.

4. To know in substance, as a fact or saying; be acquainted with; recognize.

5. To take as meant or implied; imply; infer; assume; take for granted: chiefly in the past participle.

6. To recognize as implied or meant, although not expressed; supply mentally, as a word necessary to bring out the sense of an author.
Imperative example
Shona English
nzwisisa understand (singular)
nzwisisai understand (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha nzwisisa I will understand
ucha nzwisisa you will understand (singular)
mucha nzwisisa you will understand (plural)
acha nzwisisa he/she will understand
ticha nzwisisa we will understand
vacha nzwisisa they will understand
chicha nzwisisa it will understand
last updated: Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 10:29:19 PM Central European Summer Time

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