- verb
- dialects/origins: Karanga, Korekore, Manyika, Zezuru
- English translation
- bless
- To invoke or pronounce a blessing upon (another or others)
- To confer well-being upon; bestow happiness prosperity, or good of any kind upon; make happy, prosperous, or fortunate.
- To favour (with); make happy or fortunate by some specified means.
- To consecrate or set apart to holy or sacred purposes; make or pronounce holy: formerly occasionally used of persons.
- To consecrate (a thing) by a religious rite.
- To praise or extol (or) as holy or worthy of reverence, or (b) as the giver of benefits; extol or glorify with thankful acknowledgment of benefits received.
- To esteem or account happy; congratulate; felicitate : used reflexively.
Shona | English |
komborera | bless (singular) |
komborerai | bless (plural) |
Shona | English |
Ndicha komborera | I will bless |
ucha komborera | you will bless (singular) |
mucha komborera | you will bless (plural) |
acha komborera | he/she will bless |
ticha komborera | we will bless |
vacha komborera | they will bless |
chicha komborera | it will bless |
last updated: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 12:47:37 PM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Chisi chako, masimba mashoma.