• English word work in the Shona Dictionary


English translation
  1. Effort or exertion directed to the accomplishment of some purpose or end; expenditure of strength, energy, etc.; toil; labour; striving.
  2. Opportunity of expending labour (physical or mental) in some useful or remunerative way, especially as a means of earning a livelihood: employment: something to do: as, to be out of work; to look for work.
  3. That upon which one is employed or engaged, and in the accomplishment of which labour is expended or some operation performed; a task, undertaking, enterprise, or project.
  4. Something accomplished or done; doing; deed; achievement; feat; performance.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
basa iri this work
basa iro that work
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
basa rangu my work
basa rako your work (singular)
basa renyu your work (plural)
basa rake his/her work
basa redu our work
basa racho its work
basa ravo their work
last updated: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 4:19:15 PM Central European Summer Time


  • verb
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
last updated: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 4:19:15 PM Central European Summer Time


  • noun , class(9)
  • dialects/origins: English
English translation
1. To put forth effort for the accomplishment of something; exert one's self in the performance of some service; labour; toil; strive.

2. To act; operate; carry on or perform a function; operate effectively; prove practicable.

4. To be agitated or in a state of restless movement or commotion; seethe; toss; rage.

5. To make way laboriously and slowly; make progress, become, or get with exertion aud difficulty: generally followed by an adjective, or by an adverb of direction.

6. To carry on systematic operations in some department of human activity, especially as a means of earning a livelihood; be regularly engaged or employed in some operation, trade, profession, or business.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
shanda iyi this work
shanda iyo that work
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
shanda yangu my work
shanda yako your work (singular)
shanda yenyu your work (plural)
shanda yake his/her work
shanda yedu our work
shanda yacho its work
shanda yavo their work
last updated: Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 4:29:51 PM Central European Summer Time


  • verb
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
last updated: Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 4:29:51 PM Central European Summer Time

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