- noun , class(5)
- synonyms: meso
- dialects/origins: Standard Shona
- English translation
- eye
- 1. The organ of vision; the physiological mechanism of the sense of sight; an anatomical arrangement of parts by which optical images may be formed; in general, any part of an animal body by means of which the faculty of vision is exercised, or the impact of the lightrays is sensed as a visual impression or optical image.
2. In a restricted or specific use, some part or appurtenance of the physical eye, taken as representing the whole.
3. Vision; the act of seeing, or the field of sight; hence, observation; watch.
4. The power of seeing; range or delicacy of vision; appreciative or discriminative visual perception.
5. Mental view or perception; power of mental perception; opinion formed by observation or contemplation.
6. Look; countenanee; aspect; face; presence.
7. Regard; respect; view; close attention; aim.
8. Opposed aspect or course ; confronting presentation or direction.
9. Something resembling or suggesting an eye in shape, position, or general appearance.
Shona | English |
ziso iri | this eye |
ziso iro | that eye |
Shona | English |
ziso rangu | my eye |
ziso rako | your eye (singular) |
ziso renyu | your eye (plural) |
ziso rake | his/her eye |
ziso redu | our eye |
ziso racho | its eye |
ziso ravo | their eye |
last updated: Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 10:29:19 PM Central European Summer Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Kudada kwe vari mugomo ku kumbira vari pasi mapfihwa.