- English translation
- chatter
- To utter sounds which somewhat resemble language, but are inarticulate and indistinct.
Shona | English |
zhowezhowe iri | this chatter |
zhowezhowe iro | that chatter |
Shona | English |
zhowezhowe rangu | my chatter |
zhowezhowe rako | your chatter (singular) |
zhowezhowe renyu | your chatter (plural) |
zhowezhowe rake | his/her chatter |
zhowezhowe redu | our chatter |
zhowezhowe racho | its chatter |
zhowezhowe ravo | their chatter |
last updated: Monday, July 31, 2017 at 1:12:20 PM Central European Summer Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Kupedza nyota, kuenda pa dziva.