• Shona word yambiro in the Shona Dictionary


  • noun , class(9)
  • stem :
  • synonyms:
  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
Plural of yambiro.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
yambiro iyi these recommendations
yambiro iyo those recommendations
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
yambiro yangu my recommendations
yambiro yako your recommendations (singular)
yambiro yenyu your recommendations (plural)
yambiro yake his/her recommendations
yambiro yedu our recommendations
yambiro yacho its recommendations
yambiro yavo their recommendations
last updated: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 12:16:42 PM Central European Summer Time


  • noun , class(9)
  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
The act of suggesting; presentation of an idea.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
yambiro iyi this suggestion
yambiro iyo that suggestion
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
yambiro yangu my suggestion
yambiro yako your suggestion (singular)
yambiro yenyu your suggestion (plural)
yambiro yake his/her suggestion
yambiro yedu our suggestion
yambiro yacho its suggestion
yambiro yavo their suggestion
last updated: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 12:16:42 PM Central European Summer Time


  • noun , class(9)
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
English translation
An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
yambiro iyi this advice
yambiro iyo that advice
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
yambiro yangu my advice
yambiro yako your advice (singular)
yambiro yenyu your advice (plural)
yambiro yake his/her advice
yambiro yedu our advice
yambiro yacho its advice
yambiro yavo their advice
last updated: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 12:16:42 PM Central European Summer Time

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