• Shona word tsiura in the Shona Dictionary


English translation
1. To make straight or right; remove error from; bring into accordance with a standard or original; point out errors in.
Tsiura zva tadzwa.

2. (a) To note or mark errors or defects in.(b) To make alterations in, as type set for printing, according to the marking on a proof taken from it; make the changes required by.

3. To point out and remove, or endeavour to remove, an error or fault in.

4. To destroy or frustrate; remove or counteract the operation or effects of, especially of something that is undesirable or injurious ; rectify.

5. Specifically, in optics, to eliminate from (an eyepiece or object-glass) the spherical or chromatic aberration which tends to make the image respectively indistinct or discoloured.

6. To endeavour to cause moral amendment in; especially, punish for wrong-doing ; discipline.Usa regera mwana, mu tsiura.
Imperative example
Shona English
tsiura correct (singular)
tsiurai correct (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha tsiura I will correct
ucha tsiura you will correct (singular)
mucha tsiura you will correct (plural)
acha tsiura he/she will correct
ticha tsiura we will correct
vacha tsiura they will correct
chicha tsiura it will correct
last updated: Friday, March 20, 2020 at 3:25:25 PM Central European Standard Time


  • verb
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
English translation
The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral.
Imperative example
Shona English
tsiura discipline (singular)
tsiurai discipline (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha tsiura I will discipline
ucha tsiura you will discipline (singular)
mucha tsiura you will discipline (plural)
acha tsiura he/she will discipline
ticha tsiura we will discipline
vacha tsiura they will discipline
chicha tsiura it will discipline
last updated: Friday, March 20, 2020 at 3:25:25 PM Central European Standard Time

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