
English translation
A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a series of cellules, or even a single cellule.
Imperative example
Shona English
sima plant (singular)
simai plant (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha sima I will plant
ucha sima you will plant (singular)
mucha sima you will plant (plural)
acha sima he/she will plant
ticha sima we will plant
vacha sima they will plant
chicha sima it will plant
last updated: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 10:30:47 AM Central European Summer Time


  • noun , class(9)
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
last updated: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 10:30:47 AM Central European Summer Time

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