- English translation
- stream
- A current of water or other fluid; a liquid flowing continuously in a line or course, either on the earth, as a river, brook, etc., or from a vessel, reservoir, or fountain; specifically, any course of running water; as, many streams are blended in the Mississippi; gas and steam came from the earth in streams; a stream of molten lead from a furnace; a stream of lava from a volcano.
Shona | English |
rukova urwu | this stream |
rukova urwo | that stream |
Shona | English |
rukova rwangu | my stream |
rukova rwako | your stream (singular) |
rukova rwenyu | your stream (plural) |
rukova rwake | his/her stream |
rukova rwedu | our stream |
rukova rwacho | its stream |
rukova rwavo | their stream |
last updated: Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 10:14:42 AM Central European Summer Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Imbwa pa ya dyira hai pa kanganwi.