- verb
- dialects/origins: Karanga, Korekore, Manyika, Zezuru
- English translation
- inveigle
- To lead astray as if blind; to persuade to something evil by deceptive arts or flattery; to entice; to insnare; to seduce; to wheedle.
Shona | English |
nyengedza | inveigle (singular) |
nyengedzai | inveigle (plural) |
Shona | English |
Ndicha nyengedza | I will inveigle |
ucha nyengedza | you will inveigle (singular) |
mucha nyengedza | you will inveigle (plural) |
acha nyengedza | he/she will inveigle |
ticha nyengedza | we will inveigle |
vacha nyengedza | they will inveigle |
chicha nyengedza | it will inveigle |
last updated: Monday, March 2, 2020 at 3:39:53 PM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Imbwa pa ya dyira hai pa kanganwi.