- noun , class(3)
- synonyms: bvuvano, chisungirwa, faniro, musengwa, paro, pfumvu
- variant: mutarwo
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
- English translation
- load
1. That which is carried; a burden laid on or placed in anything, or taken up, for conveyance; specifically, a suitable or customary burden ; the amount or quantity that can be or usually is carried.
2. That whieh is upborne or sustained ; a burden; a weight resting on or in anything: as, a load of fruit on a tree ; a load of learning in the mind.
3. That which is hard to be sustained or endured ; an oppressive or grievous burden: as, a load of debt; a load of guilt.
4. The charge of a firearm.
5. In mechanics, the pressure upon any part or the whole of a structure.
Shona | English |
mutoro uwu | this load |
mutoro uwo | that load |
Shona | English |
mutoro wangu | my load |
mutoro wako | your load (singular) |
mutoro wenyu | your load (plural) |
mutoro wake | his/her load |
mutoro wedu | our load |
mutoro wacho | its load |
mutoro wavo | their load |
last updated: Friday, January 31, 2020 at 1:46:17 PM Central European Standard Time
last updated: Friday, January 31, 2020 at 1:46:17 PM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Kwa dzino rohwa matumbu ndiko kwa dzino mhanyira.