- Shona word mhou in the Shona Dictionary
- English translation
- cow
- The female of the genus Bos or ox (the male of which is called a bull, or in a restricted sense an ox).
- The female of various other large animals, the male of which is termed a bull, as of many ruminants, of eared seals.
Demonstrative determiners example Shona | English | mhou iyi | this cow |
mhou iyo | that cow |
Possessive pronouns example Shona | English | mhou yangu | my cow |
mhou yako | your cow (singular) |
mhou yenyu | your cow (plural) |
mhou yake | his/her cow |
mhou yedu | our cow |
mhou yacho | its cow |
mhou yavo | their cow |
last updated: Friday, January 10, 2020 at 10:58:30 AM Central European Standard Time
- noun , class(10)
- stem : mhou
- dialects/origins: Karanga, Zezuru
- English translation
- cows
- Plural of mhou.
Demonstrative determiners example Shona | English | mhou idzi | these cows |
mhou idzo | those cows |
Possessive pronouns example Shona | English | mhou dzangu | my cows |
mhou dzako | your cows (singular) |
mhou dzenyu | your cows (plural) |
mhou dzake | his/her cows |
mhou dzedu | our cows |
mhou dzacho | its cows |
mhou dzavo | their cows |
last updated: Friday, January 10, 2020 at 10:58:30 AM Central European Standard Time