- English translation
- luck
- 1. Fortune; hap; that which happens to a person by chance, conceived as having a real tendency to be favourable or unfavourable, or as if there were an inward connection between a succession of fortuitous occurrences having the same character as favourable or unfavourable.
2. Good fortune; favourable hap; a supposed something, pertaining to a person, at least for a time, giving to fortuitous events a favourable character; also, in a weakened sense, a fortuitous combination of favourable occurrences.
Shona | English |
mhanza iyi | this luck |
mhanza iyo | that luck |
Shona | English |
mhanza yangu | my luck |
mhanza yako | your luck (singular) |
mhanza yenyu | your luck (plural) |
mhanza yake | his/her luck |
mhanza yedu | our luck |
mhanza yacho | its luck |
mhanza yavo | their luck |
last updated: Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 9:19:41 AM Central European Standard Time
- adjective
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
- English translation
- lucky
- Favored by luck; fortunate; meeting with good success or good fortune; – said of persons; as, a lucky adventurer.
last updated: Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 9:19:41 AM Central European Standard Time
- verb
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
last updated: Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 9:19:41 AM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Imbwa pa ya dyira hai pa kanganwi.