- English translation
- porringer
- A small ceramic pot, designed without neck before the rim. It is used to cover other pots.
Shona | English |
mbiya iyi | this porringer |
mbiya iyo | that porringer |
Shona | English |
mbiya yangu | my porringer |
mbiya yako | your porringer (singular) |
mbiya yenyu | your porringer (plural) |
mbiya yake | his/her porringer |
mbiya yedu | our porringer |
mbiya yacho | its porringer |
mbiya yavo | their porringer |
last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 2:02:09 PM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Igaroziva kuti mhanza ye mbudzi iri pa mabvi.