• Shona word mberi in the Shona Dictionary


  • noun , class(9)
  • adverb
  • preposition
  • conjunction
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
English translation
I. adverb. 1. In front; on the anterior or fore side ; on the side opposite the back; in a position or at a point in advance; ahead.

2. In time preceding; previously; formerly; already.

II. preposition. 1. In front of, in time or position; on the anterior or fore side of; in a position or at a point in advance of.

2. In presence of ; in sight of ; under the cognizance, jurisdiction, or consideration of.

3. In precedence of; in advance of, as regards rank, condition, development, etc.

5. Anterior to in time; previous to.

III.conjunction Sooner than; rather than.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
mberi iyi this before
mberi iyo that before
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
mberi yangu my before
mberi yako your before (singular)
mberi yenyu your before (plural)
mberi yake his/her before
mberi yedu our before
mberi yacho its before
mberi yavo their before
last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 11:53:13 AM Central European Standard Time


  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
To a greater distance; in addition; moreover. See Farther.
last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 11:53:13 AM Central European Standard Time


  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
The forehead or brow, the part of the face above the eyes; sometimes, also, the whole face.
last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 11:53:13 AM Central European Standard Time


  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
In or to the front; in advance; onward.
last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 11:53:13 AM Central European Standard Time

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