- See rengure.
Shona | English |
matsaratsara aya | these matsaratsara |
matsaratsara ayo | those matsaratsara |
Shona | English |
matsaratsara angu | my matsaratsara |
matsaratsara ako | your matsaratsara (singular) |
matsaratsara enyu | your matsaratsara (plural) |
matsaratsara ake | his/her matsaratsara |
matsaratsara edu | our matsaratsara |
matsaratsara acho | its matsaratsara |
matsaratsara avo | their matsaratsara |
last updated: Monday, January 6, 2020 at 9:57:39 AM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Heya baravara ndiwo magariro kutuka mwene we chisvondiwo mano?