• Shona word kwezva in the Shona Dictionary


English translation
Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies.
Imperative example
Shona English
kwezva attractive (singular)
kwezvai attractive (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha kwezva I will attractive
ucha kwezva you will attractive (singular)
mucha kwezva you will attractive (plural)
acha kwezva he/she will attractive
ticha kwezva we will attractive
vacha kwezva they will attractive
chicha kwezva it will attractive
last updated: Monday, December 16, 2019 at 10:59:04 AM Central European Standard Time


  • verb
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
English translation
To draw to, or cause to tend to; esp. to cause to approach, adhere, or combine; or to cause to resist divulsion, separation, or decomposition.
Imperative example
Shona English
kwezva attract (singular)
kwezvai attract (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha kwezva I will attract
ucha kwezva you will attract (singular)
mucha kwezva you will attract (plural)
acha kwezva he/she will attract
ticha kwezva we will attract
vacha kwezva they will attract
chicha kwezva it will attract
last updated: Monday, December 16, 2019 at 10:59:04 AM Central European Standard Time

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