• Shona word gunzva in the Shona Dictionary


English translation
1. To perceive (an object) by means of physical contact with it; especially, to perceive (an object) by bringing the hand into contact with it; hence, to perceive (an object) by bringing something held in the hand (as a cane or a pointer), or otherwise connected with the body, into contact with it.

2. To be in contact with; specifically, in geometry, to be tangent to.

3. To come in contact with : literally or figuratively.

4. To be near or contiguous to; impinge or border upon; hence, to come up to; approach; reach; attain to; hence, also, to compare with.

5. To bring into contact.

6. To bring the hand, finger, or the like into contact with; place the hand or finger to or upon; hit or strike gently or lightly; give a slight tap or pat to with the hand, the tip of the finger, something held in the hand, or in any way : as, to touch the hat or cap in salutation; to touch a sore spot; to touch a piece at chess.

7. To handle ; meddle with ; interfere with.

8. To lay hands on for the purpose of harming; hence, to hurt, injure, annoy, or distress.

9. To test by contact; hence, to test; try; probe.

10. To communicate; speak; tell; rehearse; relate; mention.
Imperative example
Shona English
gunzva touch (singular)
gunzvai touch (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha gunzva I will touch
ucha gunzva you will touch (singular)
mucha gunzva you will touch (plural)
acha gunzva he/she will touch
ticha gunzva we will touch
vacha gunzva they will touch
chicha gunzva it will touch
last updated: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 4:42:36 PM Central European Summer Time


  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation

Well, this is embarrassing. We have not gotten to adding content for this word yet.

last updated: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 4:42:36 PM Central European Summer Time

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