- Shona word dziva in the Shona Dictionary
- English translation
- lake
- 1. A body of water surrounded by land, or not forming part of the ocean and occuppying a depression below the ordinary drainage-level of the region.
2. A relatively small pond partly or wholly artificial, as an ornament of a park or of public or private grounds.
Demonstrative determiners example Shona | English | dziva iri | this lake |
dziva iro | that lake |
Possessive pronouns example Shona | English | dziva rangu | my lake |
dziva rako | your lake (singular) |
dziva renyu | your lake (plural) |
dziva rake | his/her lake |
dziva redu | our lake |
dziva racho | its lake |
dziva ravo | their lake |
last updated: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:22:11 PM Central European Standard Time
- verb
- synonyms: dzora
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
- English translation
- pool
- A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon.
Imperative example Shona | English | dziva | pool (singular) |
dzivai | pool (plural) |
Simple future tense example Shona | English | Ndicha dziva | I will pool |
ucha dziva | you will pool (singular) |
mucha dziva | you will pool (plural) |
acha dziva | he/she will pool |
ticha dziva | we will pool |
vacha dziva | they will pool |
chicha dziva | it will pool |
last updated: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:22:11 PM Central European Standard Time