• Shona word donha in the Shona Dictionary


  • verb
  • dialects/origins: Zezuru
English translation
1. To descend from a higher to a lower place or position through loss or lack of support; drop down by or as by the power of gravity, or by impulse; come down by tumbling or loss of balance, or by force of a push, cast, stroke, or thrust.

2. To sink from a higher to a lower level; be or become lower; settle or sink down; go down; pass off or away.

3. To descend from a higher, or more perfect, or more intense, etc., state or grade to one that is lower, or less perfect, etc.; deteriorate; sink or decrease in amount, condition, estimation, character, etc. ; become degraded or be reduced in any way, as through loss, misfortune, persecution, misconduct, etc.

4. To come down as from a fixed or standing position; be overthrown or prostrated; hence, to be slain; perish; come to ruin or destruction.

5. To pass into a new state or condition; enter upon a different state of being, action, or feeling; come to be, or to be engaged or fixed.

6. To pass away or off; discharge its contents.

7. To pass or come as if by falling or dropping; move, lapse, settle, or become fixed, with reference to an object or to a state or relation.

8. To come to pass or to an issue; befall; happen.

9. To come by chance or unexpectedly.
Imperative example
Shona English
donha fall (singular)
donhai fall (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha donha I will fall
ucha donha you will fall (singular)
mucha donha you will fall (plural)
acha donha he/she will fall
ticha donha we will fall
vacha donha they will fall
chicha donha it will fall
last updated: Monday, November 18, 2019 at 2:55:01 PM Central European Standard Time

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