- noun , class(5)
- synonyms: nhomba
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
- English translation
- fancy
- The faculty by which the mind forms an image or a representation of anything perceived before; the power of combining and modifying such objects into new pictures or images; the power of readily and happily creating and recalling such objects for the purpose of amusement, wit, or embellishment; imagination.
Shona | English |
domba iri | this fancy |
domba iro | that fancy |
Shona | English |
domba rangu | my fancy |
domba rako | your fancy (singular) |
domba renyu | your fancy (plural) |
domba rake | his/her fancy |
domba redu | our fancy |
domba racho | its fancy |
domba ravo | their fancy |
last updated: Monday, November 18, 2019 at 1:23:14 PM Central European Standard Time
- verb
- synonyms: junga
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
last updated: Monday, November 18, 2019 at 1:23:14 PM Central European Standard Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Chidokodoko chirere muviri chikuru chinozo uya wakora.