
English translation
1. To invite or command to come; summon to one's presence; send for.

2. To attract or demand the attention of (a person or an animal), or arouse, as from sleep, by loudly uttering to other word or exclamation.

3. To convoke; assemble; issue a summons for the assembling of: as, to call a meeting: often with pamwe: as, Mambo adana kanzuru yake pamwe.

4. To name; apply to by way of name or designation.

5. To designate or characterize as; state or affirm to be; reckon; consider.

6. To indicate or point out as being; manifest, reckon, or suppose to be.

7. To select, as for an office, a duty, or an employment; appoint.

8. In shooting, to lure, as wild birds, within range by imitating their notes—

3. To utter in a loud voice; read over in a loud tone: hence, to pronounce or announce.
Imperative example
Shona English
dana call (singular)
danai call (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha dana I will call
ucha dana you will call (singular)
mucha dana you will call (plural)
acha dana he/she will call
ticha dana we will call
vacha dana they will call
chicha dana it will call
last updated: Friday, November 8, 2019 at 2:32:32 PM Central European Standard Time

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