- noun , class(7)
- synonyms: chichese, kokorodzano, nyamabwe
- dialects/origins: Karanga, Zezuru
- English translation
- crowd
- A number of persons congregated or collected into a close body without order; a throng.
- The lower orders of people; the populace; the rabble; the mob.
- A number of things collected or closely pressed together; also, a number of things adjacent to each other.
Shona | English |
chaunga ichi | this crowd |
chaunga icho | that crowd |
Shona | English |
chaunga changu | my crowd |
chaunga chako | your crowd (singular) |
chaunga chenyu | your crowd (plural) |
chaunga chake | his/her crowd |
chaunga chedu | our crowd |
chaunga chacho | its crowd |
chaunga chavo | their crowd |
last updated: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 12:12:58 PM Central European Summer Time
Shona word of the day
Shona Proverb
Chaka enzanwa i bvudzi upfumi hahuna kuenzanwa.