- English word gum in the Shona Dictionary
- noun , class(14)
- synonyms: nhuru
- dialects/origins: Zezuru
- English translation
- gum
- The dense tissues which invest the teeth, and cover the adjacent parts of the jaws.
Demonstrative determiners example Shona | English | hwasha uhwu | this gum |
hwasha uhwo | that gum |
Possessive pronouns example Shona | English | hwasha hwangu | my gum |
hwasha hwako | your gum (singular) |
hwasha hwenyu | your gum (plural) |
hwasha hwake | his/her gum |
hwasha hwedu | our gum |
hwasha hwacho | its gum |
hwasha hwavo | their gum |
last updated: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at 1:03:44 PM Central European Summer Time
- noun , class(5)
- dialects/origins: Standard Shona
- English translation
- gum
- The dense tissues which invest the teeth, and cover the adjacent parts of the jaws.
Demonstrative determiners example Shona | English | dadza iri | this gum |
dadza iro | that gum |
Possessive pronouns example Shona | English | dadza rangu | my gum |
dadza rako | your gum (singular) |
dadza renyu | your gum (plural) |
dadza rake | his/her gum |
dadza redu | our gum |
dadza racho | its gum |
dadza ravo | their gum |
last updated: Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 10:29:19 PM Central European Summer Time