• Shona word nyemudza in the Shona Dictionary


  • verb
  • dialects/origins: Karanga, Manyika, Zezuru
English translation
To tease or torment by presenting some good to the view and exciting desire, but continually frustrating the expectations by keeping that good out of reach; to tease; to torment.
Imperative example
Shona English
nyemudza tantalize (singular)
nyemudzai tantalize (plural)
Simple future tense example
Shona English
Ndicha nyemudza I will tantalize
ucha nyemudza you will tantalize (singular)
mucha nyemudza you will tantalize (plural)
acha nyemudza he/she will tantalize
ticha nyemudza we will tantalize
vacha nyemudza they will tantalize
chicha nyemudza it will tantalize
last updated: Monday, March 2, 2020 at 3:23:32 PM Central European Standard Time

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