• Shona word jagwa in the Shona Dictionary


  • noun , class(5)
  • dialects/origins: Standard Shona
English translation
A large and powerful feline animal (Felis onca), ranging from Texas and Mexico to Patagonia. It is usually brownish yellow, with large, dark, somewhat angular rings, each generally inclosing one or two dark spots. It is chiefly arboreal in its habits. Called also the American tiger.
Demonstrative determiners example
Shona English
jagwa iri this jaguar
jagwa iro that jaguar
Possessive pronouns example
Shona English
jagwa rangu my jaguar
jagwa rako your jaguar (singular)
jagwa renyu your jaguar (plural)
jagwa rake his/her jaguar
jagwa redu our jaguar
jagwa racho its jaguar
jagwa ravo their jaguar
last updated: Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 10:29:19 PM Central European Summer Time

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